Rent The Theatre

Ravens Cry Theatre is available for rent for artistic and business purposes. We support learning events, charitable organizations and dance academies, music concerts as well as the the Sunshine Coast Films Society, the Coast Recital Society and Metropolitan Opera.

If you have any questions, please email us at

Rental Rates

  Day to 5pm Day to 5pm Eve after 5pm Eve after 5pm Eve after 5pm
Theatre – Base Rate (up to 5 hrs)
Overtime (more than 5 hrs)
Backstage Use
Screen removal and replacement$200$200$200$200$200
Projector Use (daily rate)
Lobby Reception/hourly$75
Janitorial/hourly as needed (min 2 hours)$50$50$50$50$50
Less Non-Profit Rate
Capital Improvement Charge
$.75/sold seat
$.75/sold seat
$.75/sold seat
$.75/sold seat
$.75/sold seat
Lighting and sound information upon request.

BASIC RATE includes a listing on our website and marquee, inclusion of event on our FaceBook page, space on the glass entry door for event poster, use of lobby tables for handouts and pamphlets. Services such as ticket sales office, additional staff and storage areas are not part of the Basic Rate.

**Raven’s Cry Management has the final say over all Front of House issues.

Click here for our Facility Specifications.

To rent or reserve our facility, please contact us by email at

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Raven’s Cry Theatre
5555 Sunshine Coast Hwy
Sechelt, Sunshine Coast BC